The tune for “Run” was written by Shayne and he sent it to me at some point in (I think) 2020. Shayne was coming up with a lot of different tunes around that time, some of which I felt I could work on, some of which I didn’t. The tune for “Run” stuck with me though, and I spent a little while trying to fit a lyric to it, which is something I struggle with oftentimes. My memory of the “Run” lyrics, though, was that they fell out of me almost stream-of-consciousness, which is pretty unusual for me these days. The lyric itself started off telling the story of a 10k run I did around Dublin City centre a few years ago, when I was training for a half marathon. The early verses attempt to emulate the feeling of trying to get up a momentum, dodging around cars and crowds of people, attempting to find a long straight road to get a few miles in. After that, for whatever reason, I started to try and mix it with and idea of shape-shifting into a bird of prey and taking off at the end of the song. God knows where that came from. Must’ve been something in the water. - Hutch


Mathúin is one of the many projects Shayne (Byrne: producer / Ragged Company Recordings owner) is involved in. It started life as an experiment; based around improvisation and audio manipulation. Instead of using standard presets, Mathúin reimagines “found sounds” recorded outside of the studio, fueling a more organic approach to the music.


Initial ideas start with textured layer. Organically moving to working off instinct, letting go and ultimately allowing the sound run wild. It is in this method that ‘songwriting' & sound design become one and the same. Where melodies form the interplay of sounds and their capabilities and/or limitations. It is these sounds that lead Mathúin’s “Nemed” EP and the long form ambient single “Petrichor”, released in May 2022.


This new chapter of tunes from Mathúin comes from a more traditional way of writing. Starting with some chords on a Prophet; or a bassline on the trusty Hofner, putting down drums and building out the arrangement; only to tear it all down and rebuild it up again. The music takes its final exploration when it is sent to a vocalist to see what direction their lyric might take the music.



Bonobo / Wevel / Chet Faker / Caribou


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